Who you are, as a man or a women can be at the forefront of a lot of conversations in therapy at this time in history. Confusion can often exist between what we’ve learned from our parental conditioning and societal conditioning, verses feminism, the new age movement, verses our biological urges.
To be happy, I'd say its imperative to work out who you are and where you stand in all of this. To be happy and have a satisfying life you've got to be yourself.
We can often see a women with a masculine shell over her femininity that has lost touch with her softness and heart. Or a man that's too soft and has lost touch with his direction and needs to be more in touch with his masculine to have optimum health.
Through the processes listed on this website we often see men needing to come into their power, presence and direction and women that end up finding their love, radiance and beauty. Most women that complete our courses get a face lift that plastic surgery just couldn’t buy. It has been a profound experience to see the beauty that pops through every women when the emotional blocks and kinks to love have been removed.
For Gay men and women, its also obviously imperative that they come to an acceptance of their sexuality and can feel loved, proud and validated in it.
If there is any confusion around these principles, people tend to struggle in relationships and just suffer. There is a science to attractiveness and maintaining love and a spark in relationships. These principles are applicable to single people looking to make themselves an attractive proposition for a new partner or for people wanting to keep the spark of love and sex alive in there long term relationship.
In essence. happiness requires you to be yourself and that includes the unique characteristics of your gender (biology) and your natural personality. The more you line up with these the happier you will be regardless of your parental or societal conditioning. The more you stray from this the more you will suffer. We can help you align with you true essence the more you do the more you will shine.
We run courses to deal specifically to look at this at different times during the year. However If you’re in a retreat, the year long program or a private session we will personalise your session to get insight in this area if required.
To be happy, I'd say its imperative to work out who you are and where you stand in all of this. To be happy and have a satisfying life you've got to be yourself.
We can often see a women with a masculine shell over her femininity that has lost touch with her softness and heart. Or a man that's too soft and has lost touch with his direction and needs to be more in touch with his masculine to have optimum health.
Through the processes listed on this website we often see men needing to come into their power, presence and direction and women that end up finding their love, radiance and beauty. Most women that complete our courses get a face lift that plastic surgery just couldn’t buy. It has been a profound experience to see the beauty that pops through every women when the emotional blocks and kinks to love have been removed.
For Gay men and women, its also obviously imperative that they come to an acceptance of their sexuality and can feel loved, proud and validated in it.
If there is any confusion around these principles, people tend to struggle in relationships and just suffer. There is a science to attractiveness and maintaining love and a spark in relationships. These principles are applicable to single people looking to make themselves an attractive proposition for a new partner or for people wanting to keep the spark of love and sex alive in there long term relationship.
In essence. happiness requires you to be yourself and that includes the unique characteristics of your gender (biology) and your natural personality. The more you line up with these the happier you will be regardless of your parental or societal conditioning. The more you stray from this the more you will suffer. We can help you align with you true essence the more you do the more you will shine.
We run courses to deal specifically to look at this at different times during the year. However If you’re in a retreat, the year long program or a private session we will personalise your session to get insight in this area if required.
Contact Martin to arrange a session or book in for a retreat.
Martin is available for sessions on online or in person in Byron Bay
Martin is available for sessions on online or in person in Byron Bay